Gender roles- gender role
the role or
behaviour learned by a person as appropriate to their gender, determined by the
prevailing cultural norms:
In recent years, socialization and gender role
theories have lost ground in sociology. Sex was biological determination and
said that gender is learnt, this can now be argued that we should view sex and
gender as socially constructed. The human body is subject to the individual’s
choice also the social factors that can shape and change it in different ways.
People can construct and reconstruct their bodies using piercing ‘s, dieting,
breast enhancement, breast reduction, all the way to plastic surgery or sex change.
Operations. This can be to make the person feel the “norm” or the same as
airbrushed models, actors, or socialites. Gender roles and sex differences are
inextricably linked to the individual’s human body. (Connell 1987; Scott and
Morgan 1993; Butler 1990)
possession of the qualities traditionally
associated with men.
There has been little analysis of how the media constructs, informs, and
reinforces cultural expectations about men and masculinity. “For example
Tunstall (2000) points out that the media rarely focuses on men`s marital and
domestic roles. This is just how the male are perceived in society. However,
Collier (1992) he notes that men`s magazines are often contradictory in their
representations of masculinity. He notes that they continue to define success
in traditional terms, this means in areas of work, salary, and materialism. It
is a known fact that men are the higher earners and achieve higher in job
roles. The male is known as the “patriarchy” of the household or head of the
family, this gives the perception of a strong and forceful person.
Gender identity- gender identity
A person's perception of having a particular gender,
which may or may not correspond to the gender they were assigned at birth
Marcel Mauss (1973)
was among the first to argue that gestures and bodily movements do not come
natural but linked to social context. People learn how to eat correctly and walk
appropriately these “techniques of the body” are transmitted through all
generations. Another gender difference in a non-verbal way men tend to sit
relaxed with their legs apart, whereas women tend to have a closed body position.
A political philosopher Iris Marion
Young (1949-2005) explored gendered bodily experience in a famous article, `Throwing
Like A Girl’ (1980, 2005). Young argued that the distinctive movements from
women like throwing a ball or a stone are not biologically determined, but the
product of discourses. Also, linked with Gender identity is the fear of being
born in to the wrong sex. Richard Jenkins (2008:5)” says that identity is ‘the
human capacity – rooted in language – to know who`s who” (and hence “what’s
what”) Jenkins (2008).
for sexual feelings:
"she began to understand the power of her sexuality"
a person's sexual orientation or
"people with proscribed sexualities"
[more] sexual activity. "sexuality within holy
matrimony was only justified as a necessary part of reproduction"
It wasn’t until the late 1960`s that sex was
studied as a form of interaction. In America, the gay community called the
toilets (where these activities took place) “tearooms” yet in the UK the
activity was known as “cottaging”. An American sociologist Laud Humphreys
conducted research in to these `tearoom and wrote a book named Tearoom Trade
(Humphreys1970) this was regarding people looking for anonymous rendezvous. This
was a study of homosexual behaviour. Weeks et al.(2004) this point`s to three
significant patterns within gay and lesbian partnerships. The first one is that
there is more opportunities for equality as they are not guided by gendered
cultural assumptions. The second is that homosexual partners negotiate the parameters
and inner workings of the relationship. The final one is gay and lesbian
partnerships demonstrate a form of commitment that lacks institutional backing.
However, sexuality is just another person’s preference.
Gender- gender
the state of being
male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural
differences rather than biological ones):
"traditional concepts of gender"
(in languages such
as Latin, French, and German) each of the classes (typically masculine,
feminine, common, neuter) of nouns and pronouns distinguished by the different
inflections which they have and which they require in words syntactically
associated with them. Grammatical gender is only very loosely associated with
natural distinctions of sex.
socio-biology was first developed by E.O.Wilson (1975) and was applied to sex
and gender by David Barash (1979). It is all based-on Charles Darwin`s theory
of evolution, but it goes well beyond Darwin`s original theory. Like Darwin,
sociobiologists believe that humans and other species develop and change
through a process of natural selection.
Femininity- femininity
quality of being female; womanliness:
"she celebrates her femininity by wearing make-up and high
synonyms: womanliness · feminineness · womanhood The culture of femininity involved a tendency to
have a “best friend”- another girl. Although this might seem to exclude boys,
in fact best friends were tied up with the desire to attract a man. The girls
thought that it would be easier to go out in pairs looking for a man than as
individuals. McRobbie (1978). Furthermore, within the friendship pair there was
a strong emphasis on fashion and make up. McRobbie (1978).
Sex- sex
Either of the two main categories
(male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on
the basis of their reproductive functions:
of both sexes’
The distinction
between sex and gender was the starting point for the development of
alternative views. The first person to make this distinction was an American
psychoanalysis Robert Stoller (1968). Stoller made the common-sense observation
that the vast majority of the population can clearly be categorised as male and
female according to characteristics, external genitalia, internal genitalia. In
other words, it does not necessarily follow that being a woman means being
`feminine`, nor being a man means that they are masculine.